Disciple Making Training

3rd & 4th Sundays @ 10am

In January 2024, we launched Disciple Making Training as a church-wide offering, taking place at Garden City on 3rd & 4th Sundays at 10am.

The purpose of Disciple Making Training is to equip the body with the necessary knowledge and skills to walk out the Great Commandment and the Great Commission in their everyday lives.

Our Director of Disciple Making, Christopher Ledezma has spent years studying and developing this program based on the “Contagious Disciple Making” model, shadowing the leaders of CDM and teaching this model to others in both small and large scale formats.

Garden City Leadership went through this model in 2023 and have countless testimonies of immediate fruit and transformation that has taken place as a direct result of the model being taught and we are extremely excited to bring this teaching to the entire church.

Watch a message from Pastors Gerald Murphy and Christopher Ledezma about the heart behind Disciple Making.

Additional Resources

Click here to purchase the book, Discipleship Begins With Beholding by Samuel Whitefield.

Click here to view the Discipleship Begins with Beholding sermon by Samuel Whitefield.


Discipleship is often reduced to acquiring new information, embracing certain disciplines, or adopting certain behaviors, but this is not the heart of discipleship. You can know information, live a disciplined life, and behave properly yet not be discipled. At its foundation, discipleship is a process that produces transformation as a people corporately behold the beauty of God in the person of Jesus. If discipleship begins in any other place, it may accomplish some valuable things, but it has lost sight of its biblical framework.


We have taught people how to behave, but have we taught them how to behold? If people embrace certain rhythms and engage in certain disciplines but are not fascinated by the beauty of God, then they are not discipled. Accordingly, we must lead people to behold God and be transformed into His image. God is not looking for a people who behave like Him. He is looking for a people who become like Him.


2 Corinthians 3:18 But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as [a]by the Spirit of the Lord.

Click here to purchase the book, Contagious Disciple Making: Leading Others on a Journey of Discovery, by David Watson & Paul Watson on Amazon.



It is hard to deny that today’s world can seem apathetic toward Christians. Some may look down at their iPhones when we mention God, motion for the check when we bring up church, or casually change the subject when we talk about prayer. In a world full of people whose indifference is greater than their desire to know Christ, how can we dream of growing the church?


In Contagious Disciple Making, David Watson and Paul Watson map out a simple method that has sparked an explosion of homegrown churches in the United States and around the world. A companion to Cityteam’s two previous books, Miraculous Movements and The Father GlorifiedContagious Disciple Making details the method used by Cityteam disciple-makers. This distinctive process focuses on equipping spiritual leaders in communities where churches are planted. Unlike many evangelism and church-growth products that focus on quick results, contagious disciple-making takes time to cultivate spiritual leadership, resulting in lasting disciple-making movements. Through Contagious Disciple Making readers will come to understand that a strong and equipped leader will continue to grow the church long after church planters move on to the next church.”